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  Person Locate

Serving a subpoena to someone means tracking them down. A trained investigator begins this process by utilizing their access to specialized location and background databases to determine the whereabouts of the individual who must served with the subpoena or other legal document. Reports related to the location of the party in question can be provided to the client upon request.


Service of Process
The assigned Process Server or investigator delivers the subpoena to the correct party in a polite, yet assertive manner. In cases where it is a business or other entity being served, the person tasked with service will deliver to the correct party within that organization.


The Process Server remains available to testify and offer documentation related to the service in case of dispute.


The Results
Process Service is a fairly simple operation but must be executed properly. Your witnesses are located, served with the proper paperwork, and if necessary followed up with to ensure they make their appearance. In cases where documents are the subject of the subpoena, a process server must determine the individual or custodian in charge of said records and provide them with the service.


Knowing the Process
Mom's approaches each subpoena with skill and attention to detail required to ensure the courts honor the service. Not only do we have the expertise to locate hard to find individuals, but we also hold the technology to provide objective proof of the service and the intricate knowledge of the do’s and don’ts of serving subpoenas. Don’t let an inexperienced server compromise your pending legal matter, hire MOM today!

Let Us Serve Your Documents today!

Process Service operations involve locating and serving an individual or entity with legal documents compelling them to appear in court, depositions, or produce documents in accordance with an on-going legal matter. Subpoenas can prove useful in criminal, civil, and family court settings.

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